Saturday, February 13, 2016

Assignment 1 Lowel Omni Still Life

Bring in an object no larger than a volley ball to photograph during class next week.

Optional:  Make a photograph of someone or an object using a single source of light like a table lamp, clamp light or desk light.

Lesson 1 The Lowell Omni Light and Basic Procedures

What we learned in class:
We learned to set our camera on Manual and ISO 100.  We determined the f-stop and shutter speed by holding a incident meter close to the subject and pointing the white dome toward the camera.  Check out the videos on the Amazon link to see how the meter works.  We used one Lowell Omni light pointed directly at the cube to light it in such a way as to see 3 different tones on the cube.  We placed a sheet of Tough Lux 11" from the subject which rendered the light in a softer way.
We did the same procedure with a while ball of styrofoam.
The class portraits were also lit with a single Omni light and a white reflector board bounced stray light into the shadow areas.
Study the charts below to help understand color, shutter speed, f-stop and ISO.